1. Set Goals Together
2. Eat Meals Together
3. Make time to Play, Dance, Sing & Laugh
4. "Daydream" & Plan Travel Together
5. Go on a Date
6. Cook Together
7. Raise or Foster a Pet Together
8. Read / Share What You Read
9. Get Active
10. Watch a Movie Together
Bring a friend, and let's learn the 10 Fun Things to Do As a Couple to Strengthen Your Relationship💕 @ Freedom from Negative Thinking Facebook Group: TinyURL.com/CreateEase
I can't wait to hear how you're using these tools and any questions you have. Set your free breakthrough call today at https://intimateconnection.co/ and let's get your action plan roadmap created.
Warmest Regards,
Tammy Workman-Lopez
Book now: https://intimateconnection.co/