Get Ready to Learn the 10 ways to reduce thanksgiving stress & revive your relationships
1. Ask For Help* - Each Person Brings a Dish
2. Clarify Expectations with Pre-Call Ahead of Time
3. Maintain a Pre-Budget to Limit Financial Stress
4. Pre-Request "off Limits" Topics
5. Address Issues* -Redirecting to Family-time Goal
6. If You're Feeling Down*; Create Fun, Smiles, Hugs
7. Burn-off Energy Activity Options
8. Establish a Fun Agenda of Topics
9. Take Time for Relaxation & Downtime Activity
10. Set Rule - Each Person helps clean up before leaving
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I can't wait to hear how you're using these tools and any questions you have. Set your free breakthrough call today at and let's get your action plan roadmap created.
Warmest Regards,
Tammy Workman-Lopez
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