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Kristan A. Braswell

"I've struggled with anxiety and depression for years. I've worked with multiple professionals that used traditional talk therapy, but I never felt any measurable results. Even worse, talk therapy feels isolating and distant because the practitioner has to remain neutral while you're experiencing powerful emotions. I felt like I was paying someone to ask me questions that would make me cry.


What surprised me most about hypnotherapy is that it doesn't take weeks and months to purge through your life's history. In fact, you don't need to share any specific personal stories at all. The process works on a subconscious level, so there's no 'prep work' before you feel the results. Tammy did a great job of explaining the science behind her techniques so I would feel comfortable. You simply focus on your breathing while Tammy leads you through a series of visualizations that help re-frame life's challenges and expand your ability to function. The shift is instant and the results are lasting.


The thing that sets Tammy apart is her genuine connection with her clients. Hypnotherapy doesn't require a purely clinical approach, so you're treated as a person instead of a case file. Tammy has a wealth of knowledge and resources that she's eager to share, and she's generous with her time and availability.


I wholeheartedly recommend Tammy to anyone who is ready to break free of old patterns and dramatically improve their life."

First Testimonial

Lorraine Castro

"Tammy Workman-Lopez was great to work with. This was my first experience with a HypnoCoach and I have to say I was very pleased.


She helped me develop more confidence with understanding and creating boundaries with my family, trusting my intuition improved and I learned to love myself and apply more self care.


Overall, I am more calm with handling life. Thank you Tammy!"

Justin K. 

"I wanted to live a healthier lifestyle and quit some bad habits, and Tammy has helped me to do that!

After only a couple of sessions I started to notice my health improving and my bad habits disappearing. The best part about it was that it took little to no effort on my part, except participating in the sessions!


Not only is Tammy talented, but she is unique in that she truly cares about your health and well-being. I would recommend her to anyone." 

Our Testimonials

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